Cash Advance

Could your business benefit from a cash infusion? Merchant Solution IQ has the program for you!

How It Works:

  1. Let us know how much cash you would like to be advanced.
  2. We review your request based on your average credit card processing volume.
  3. Once you are approved, you sign the paperwork and the cash is sent to you within days!

Top Merchant Cash Advance Funders include

  1. Advantage MCA Funders
  2. Elite Merchant Funding
  3. Fast Merchant Advance

It’s that EASY!

After you have your funds, we deduct a predetermined percentage from your daily Visa® and MasterCard® receipts until the agreed amount is paid back.

Why a Cash Advance?

  • Much faster access to cash than the hassle of a loan
  • No personal guarantee required
  • No fees or penalty for extended payback period
  • Much more liberal policies than any bank product
  • No hidden costs of fees
  • No collateral necessary



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"Merchant Solutions Inc. is a registered ISO/MSP of Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., Walnut Creek, CA."
American Express may require separate approval.
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